Check back here for an in-depth look at lethargy, how it hinders your progress and how easy it is for you to make positive changes. Why would you not want more energy, more alertness, more success?
Diet, stress, late nights, multitasking, doom scrolling – the things that make you feel sluggish, tired, foggy headed – work on cutting them out, or making them work to your advantage.
The freshest and clearest your mind can be, the best position you put yourself in to produce, to network, and to learn. No doubt there will be some days when you’re really not in the mood to put in the effort but, by addressing your energy levels you put yourself in the strongest position.
My advice is to take stock of your habits and lifestyle. Start by taking unhelpful things OUT of your routine before adding things in. Once you start getting a grip on things and seeing positive changes then look to implement some new habits.
BONUS: Change doesn’t happen overnight, creating new habits requires nothing more than consistency. I can recommend many books on the art of creating healthy habits. Check out the resources page, or look out for ‘review’ posts that often cover this topic.